Arif Patel Preston UK is a businessman based in Dubai after graduating from the University of Central Lancashire in England and a Master’s degree in Petroleum Engineering from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh. Besides his outstanding education in some prestigious institutions, he founded Preston Trading.

Arif Patel Preston UK

Arif Patel UKThe most significant achievement Arif has obscured is being ranked among the Top 10 best Investment Company Executives. This bolstered his name to high levels in oil and gas production causing him to gain more clientele. His deeds in business and leadership began to spread across the country which has made him the entrepreneur he is today.

What Arif Patel puts on a pedestal is fostering a community of extraordinary people who work with the aim of bringing a balance between work and life. Arif Patel UK stresses the importance of being there for your fellow employees and striving to get better together as a company. The holistic culture of Preston has been built on this very belief of Arif and he attributes the success of the company to this quality that he imbibes in his employees.

Arif Patel Preston

The very core of the company Arif has built is based on the leadership skills he has cultivated for himself as a person which in turn is reflected on the rest of the team. The space he has made for the employees to come up to him in times of distress has served as foundation of what Preston stands for.

The way Arif Umarji Patel Preston corroborates his success into the work that he puts into the base of the company is what makes him unique in the world of business.

More Details about Arif Patel.